Special Customs Procedure Categories

At BMR Customs Brokers, we understand the unique customs clearance  requirements of energy products, including natural gas and electricity generated by renewable and conventional energy sources. Our professional brokers are deeply knowledgeable about the special regulations that apply to energy-related commodities, and we serve companies that are active through the entire spectrum of the energy industry – from production to distribution – including companies trading energy on the Hellenic Energy Exchange (HEnEx). Additionally, we provide guidance on the excise duties applicable to energy products.

Whether it involves shipments of sea, air, road or rail freight or goods transported through pipelines and fixed infrastructure (e.g. natural gas, electricity, etc.), the experience and expertise of BMR Customs Brokers in the area of energy customs clearance guarantee that your goods will clear customs without problems and reach their destination quickly and safely.

Ship & Aircraft Supply

At BMR Customs Brokers, we can handle all specialised customs procedures required to supply ships, cruise ships, aircraft, diplomatic missions, etc. with foodstuffs, fuel and various other items.

Our experienced professional customs brokers are familiar with the necessary procedures for the issue of the appropriate supply documents so you can save time and avoid unnecessary expenses, since they can take advantage of the applicable tax-exemption facilities.

Sensitive Goods
(works of art, antiques, tissue/organs for transplant, etc.)

BMR Customs Brokers understands the unique challenges related to clearing artwork, antiques and non-commercial goods, such as tissue/organs for transplant, through customs. Our team of experienced professional brokers is fully versed in the specialised regulations and documentation requirements for these types of sensitive and valuable objects. With diligent handling, we ensure compliance with international laws, permits and certifications that apply to their import or export, and take advantage of our extensive experience and strong relations with customs authorities to ensure the safe and timely transport of these special items.

Temporary Import & Export

At BMR Customs Brokers, we undertake all customs procedures involved in temporary import and export for enterprises that deal in international trade. We recognise the importance of temporary movement, whether it involves materials for advertising, trade shows or scientific and educational materials, or goods for repair or goods accompanied by an ATA Carnet for exemption of duty and tax payment, as well as minimal procedures at customs during import-export.

The experienced team at BMR Customs Brokers is very knowledgeable about all procedures involved in getting an ATA Carnet issued and can get all freight accompanied by this document through customs, ensuring the trouble-free movement of your goods and avoiding unnecessary expenses.

ATA Carnet: the passport for your goods in international trade

The ATA Carnet is an international customs document/deed of guarantee used in commercial transactions between EU countries and third countries, regardless of the means of transport used. It facilitates the crossing of borders relative to customs and allows for the temporary import-export into/from a country without paying any duties or taxes that might be applicable. Think of it as a passport for your shipment. It notifies the customs office that your goods are entering the country temporarily and will be returned to the country of origin or will be re-exported to another country indicated by the sender within a specified period of time.

Outward & Inward Processing

Cost-saving processing

At BMR Customs Brokers, we provide integrated customs clearance services for inward and outward processing procedures, which can serve as valuable tools for businesses involved in processing, thanks to partial relief from customs duties.

Inward Processing

At BMR Customs Brokers, we are deeply knowledgeable about customs clearance procedures for inward processing (for re-export), and can guide you or undertake on your behalf the issue of the special authorisation by competent customs authorities. This procedure allows processing enterprises to import raw materials from third countries without being subject to duties and taxes so they can be used to make finished products for re-export to non-EU countries.

Outward Processing

Like inward processing, BMR Customs Brokers offers specialised outward processing (for re-import) services, and undertakes the issue of the appropriate authorisation. This procedure allows for temporary export to non-EU countries for processing and the re-import of finished products, with partial relief from duties, or total relief in the case of repairs or exchange of products under warranty.

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